A Lesson Learned

Recently I went to an audition where the line was ALL IN CAPS with exclamation points at the end of it!!! The audition and waiting space were close together, and with thin walls I could hear a lot of the other auditions going on. Much to my surprise and the chagrin of other actors, I …

Webseries Wins and Woes: Part One

      I recently co-created and shot the second season of my webseries and I wanted to share about this experience with all of you out there! I think that making your own content is one of the most important things you can do for yourself as an actor and an artist. Walking away from this …

Why Improv is SO Important

      As an actress, I strongly believe that one of my strongest talents is my ability to improvise. When I am running a scene with a fellow actor, there’s nothing that gives me more pleasure than to completely save the day if they go up on one of their lines and get us right back …

Staying Educated

     Being an actor is an interesting profession. A lot of people think it is something you just “fall into” or something that you don’t necessarily need an education in to succeed. While it is true that a lot of actors who are highly successful did not attend a typical school (aka college) this does not …

French Film

     When it comes to film, there’s one culture that knows how to nail a story and tell it through several different ones that you never think have anything to do with each other, but always end up cumulating in the most beautiful of ways. This is French Film. There is a certain genius to it …


     When you’re on set, there’s one thing you want to never leave the front of the camera; drama. Drama and dramatic behavior should not be something that you carry into set with you no matter how successful you are or become. There is no reason to bring drama into your relationships with the people you …

A Manager and Your Career

      As an actor you probably hear the words agent (person who finds you the jobs), auditions (what you do to potentially get the job), set (where the project is being filmed) and manager (the person who develops your career) thrown around quite a bit. You probably know what each of these things are but …

Educating Yourself Part 2

     Part two of this series in the blogs about educating yourself has to do with your online presence! When you are working on building your social media presence (which is totally something actors should be Doug these days) it is important you keep yourself educated on what the heck it is you’re doing! Social media …

Educating Yourself

     In this week’s episode of My Acting Site blogs, I am going to be touching upon a couple of the important parts of educating yourself as an actor! Today’s subject is getting photos taken and what you can do to prepare yourself for the best outcome possible. A big part of the industry is getting …

The Cliché Café

      A lot of writers in the industry will go to a café and sit down for the rest of the day to accomplish some writing. Many actors will go to cafés to practice their lines or develop their character more; sometimes they are there to people watch. A director may go to a café …