Being Consistent

As an actor you need to show up to your auditions, callback and to the jobs you book with you A-game and your game face on. You need to walk into that room soloing a problem for the casting director, and be the answer to their question of “but who the heck am I going …

Watch Your Craft

      When you are preparing for a certain season, AKA Pilot Season which is starting in January (!!!) it is important you are SUPER freakin’ prepared. Yo I want to be as real as possible so that when those amazing and big auditions come in you are ready to rock them and continue achieving your …

An Actor’s Christmas…

     As actors, we all have big dreams for the holiday season that probably involve booking a major job, finally making the movie of our dreams, and getting a national commercial that will pay for us to make the movie of our dreams. If your Santa Claus is anything like mine, he has, for some odd …

A Lesson Learned

      Recently I went to an audition where the line was ALL IN CAPS with exclamation points at the end of it!!! The audition and waiting space were close together, and with thin walls, I could hear a lot of the other auditions going on. Much to my surprise and the chagrin of other actors, …

An Actor’s Wardrobe

     Your auditions will ask you to do a wide range of things, portray a whole lot of different people, and show up in an array of outfits. Your wardrobe is important as an actor, as it is something that will affect the Casting Director’s opinion of you for the part. It is also something that …

The Moments

      Acting is all about how you feel. It is about experiencing the emotional response at the time you feel it and how that comes through and communicates to the people watching your art. This comes from finding moments. Moments of truth, emotion, natural response. This only comes from being in the present and focusing …

Creating Moments

     Yesterday in class, it occurred to me to ask my acting coach for suggestions on what else I could be doing to further my career! It is funny because this literally never occurred to me before. He is always telling us helpful things about the industry, and occasionally gives an amazing lecture on acting and …

What is Best For You?

     This is your career. Being an actor is a career. It isn’t always fun and easy, there is hard work, a lot of hard freakin’ work, that goes into creating your career and turning it into exactly what you want it to be. There are so many things you do to prepare for your auditions, …

Read More

      As an actor you should constantly be trying to expand and deepen your understanding for life, people, and everything that has to do with the business of being human That is, after all, what you are here to do in your art. Showing people what it means to really live, and experience life for …

Always Be Ready

      Your career can be affected by a lot of things. Your talent, dedication, persistence, and hard work are all things that will change the course of your career. You also have to take into account meeting people and how the people you meet could change your career for the better. Make the right casting …