A Little Fun…
There comes a time in every My Acting Site blog post where the blogger is entitled to blog about something unrelated to acting. So here it is! Last night I went to a gymnastics class. Not only was it so fun, but it was also great exercise. I used to do gymnastics as a child …
A Lesson Learned
Recently I went to an audition where the line was ALL IN CAPS with exclamation points at the end of it!!! The audition and waiting space were close together, and with thin walls I could hear a lot of the other auditions going on. Much to my surprise and the chagrin of other actors, I …
Why Improv is SO Important
As an actress, I strongly believe that one of my strongest talents is my ability to improvise. When I am running a scene with a fellow actor, there’s nothing that gives me more pleasure than to completely save the day if they go up on one of their lines and get us right back …
Seeing Shows
There is something I hadn’t known the value of until just recently, but discovered through a suggestion from my manager; seeing live performances. A live performance can be one of the most valuable things to experience as an actor and being an audience member is the best way to start on the road to full …
Social Media Activity
In today’s present day, there is so much that you need to be aware of when it comes to your online presence and how you are seen on the internet. Who posts what, where, and why can affect you in positive and sometimes negative ways and it is important that you have as much …
Showing Off Your Website
So you have an amazing website that you are in love with and that was custom built by yourself, and by out helpful people here at MyActingSite. Your next step is showing it off in all of the right ways so that it will bring you the most traction and attention possible as the …
Instagram Tips
When you have an Instagram account as an actor it is very important that you know how to use it to your benefit. It can be an extremely valuable asset when you know how to use it; tons of people are discovered through Instagram, and a lot of modeling agencies have been requiring a …
Being “On Hold”
Something that happens quite frequently in the industry is that your agent will say you are “on hold” or “on spec” for a part. The first time you hear it, it can be confusing, and it is a part of the industry that can be likened to limbo. On one hand, congrats!!! You almost have …
Something Fun To Do
Are you looking for something fun to do with all of your actor friends? Need things to do to keep yourself busy while you aren’t working on your next job or audition? Well, we are lucky here in Los Angeles because we have some of the best and most exciting attractions that people come from …
Taking Your Time
When preparing for an audition it is very important that you have everything ready to go and perfectly set up exactly how you want it to be. This means giving yourself time, not only before the audition, at home, but also when you are in the actual audition room. Showing the Casting Director that you …