There are so many new shows and movies coming out that are actually just repeats of older shows and movies. It’s actually quite comical that there are so many shows that are based on old ones, I am kind of just waiting for a Friends re-vamp to be released (which would be hilarious, but also expected!). When I am watching a show I like to know if it is a new concept, or if it is based off of something before it.

      For example, I really enjoy the show Casual on Hulu. It is a new show! It’s not based off of anything else, no movie, or book, and it is new and fresh. I really like the fact that they have made such a statement out of a common idea that people have these days that “casual” is the right way to go when it comes to relationships.

      I love watching a show and then doing the research behind the show to find out where the idea came from. This has been fun for me recently involving the show “Handmaid’s Tale.” I knew it was based off of a book, but didn’t know that there was also a movie made of it in the 90’s! Watching the show, reading the book, and then seeing the movie, I saw three vastly different versions of the same concept. It made me really consider what it means to be an artist with a point of view. It’s one of the most important things I think a person can be in today’s day and age.

      There are so many different ways to tell a similar story. No one way is correct; no one way is the absolute best. It all boils down to the level of attention, care, and creativity that has been put into this project, and with that, the quality will be there. I absolutely love seeing the different ways a story can be told.

      There is so much value in artistic freedom and the ability to say what YOU want to say no matter what the story is about. It is important to keep that in mind when you are thinking about creating your own art. The thing that makes your perspective unique is that it is yours, and no one else is going to have the exact same thought process that you are.

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