It’s a happy day here at My Acting Site! We are currently working on some big projects to make our websites even better than they already are, “but how!?” you ask. Yes, I know, our sites are already the best, but perfection is unattainable and there’s always room for improvement! Here’s a recent review from a lovely customer of ours:
“I truly like my site and I haven’t been able to find another alternative”
“My name is Victoria, I recently made my site with you guys and then I called to cancel it because my agent disapproved because of it not being “mobile friendly.” Turns out I’m looking to keep it, I truly like my site and I haven’t been able to find another alternative. My site is”
Good news, Victoria (and every other current and future My Acting Site client)! Mobile friendly compatibility is in the works! We have a lot of surprises coming for you guys. Be excited… be very excited.
If you have any suggestions for us, comment below! You can also tweet us, or send us a message on facebook, as web developers we love, love, love getting to use the Internet… for any reason!