Yesterday I auditioned for a film. The character breakdown said that the girl I was audition for was “cute and petite”. I have no doubt that I am cute, but being that I am 5’8″ and of a normal body type, I don’t every usually consider myself to be “petite” because I am not. Reading this breakdown initially confused me because I didn’t see why my agents would send me out on something that specifically was asking for petite girls.
Then I remembered that my agents know exactly what they’re doing. They have this job because they are good at it. And if they are sending me out on a role that I don’t necessarily 100% fit the description for, there is a reason that they’re doing it.
Now, I don’t know if I booked this job or not because I auditioned yesterday and my rule is to give it at least 48 hours before I make any assumptions. But here is what has happened since auditioning, that same casting director has asked me to come in today for a different role on a different project.
Moral of the story is that your agents know what they’re doing, and if you truly doubt them, you need to think about either getting a new one or talking to them about it. As for me, it has proven time and time again that they have a plan and that plan is to get me as successful as possible as soon as possible.