I recently took an acting class that was an intensive in comedy. It was a very interesting class and more is coming on it later! But something that I did take away from this class that I wanted to share with all of you now is a rule about your acting and what it should be. When you walk into an audition, a callback, or to test for a pilot, your acting and ability should be three things:

1) Specific
2) Consistent
3) Malleable

     I really loved these rules because they really seemed like workable, and most importantly applicable things that I could start using immediately to better my skill and ability. Here is exactly how they work and how you can apply them in every day acting and auditioning:

           -Specific: Your choices need to BE THERE, you have to make choices and make sure that they are there and coming though in your character. They need to work with the script and what the words on the page say about the character and what you know naturally from the given information.
           -Consistent: You need to be able to do the scene with your specific choices and exactly how you want it to look and how you like it and you need to be able to do this 10 times in a row.
           -Malleable: So on top of doing the scene exactly how you want it and being able to do it over and over again the exactly same, you also need to be able to change everything and do it a completely different way when the casting director says, “I know she’s supposed to be laughing, but can you try it crying hysterically?” AND you need to be able to switch it like that while still being specific.

     It takes practice but with a lot of work you will be all of these things and have a great time doing it. When you are able to master the art of this, casting directors will definitely take notice and you will be getting recognized for it!

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