A good way to continue your growth and education as an actor is to make goals for yourself through your career so that you can always be aiming towards achieving something new and exciting. The goals don’t have to be crazy huge or anything, but they do have to be things that you want to achieve and that you feel a purpose in working towards. This will allow you to feel like you not only have some great control over your career but also, that you are accomplishing important things.

      There are the big goals. These are things that could fall under the category of booking work; getting a pilot, being the lead in a feature, selling your script, selling your series, etc… these are things that you should always be working towards accomplishing, writing them down, knowing what they are, and doing things that further these goals will eventually lead to you attaining these goals.

      Then, there are the “smaller” goals. These are ones that people are quick to forget about because sometimes they seem small and not worth it. But I like making small goals for myself that have to do with real, accomplishable tasks that I can achieve weekly, monthly, or even yearly. These can be things like education in the field of acting, shoot a short video to put on YouTube, get 500 more Instagram followers, etc… all things that are working towards the ultimate “big” goals, but all still good for your career and that will give you the sense of accomplishment!

      One of the best feelings you can have is being proud of yourself for accomplishing your goals. So set small goals set big goals and set everything in between. Take control of your career!

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