When you’re in the industry it’s important that rejection is not something that upsets you or sets you back. Plenty of actors, in interviews about their career, say that they heard thousands of no’s before they heard their first yes and that even after that, it was a constant uphill struggle. Going on auditions can be taxing and it can take a lot to keep going even when you feel like all you’ve ever heard is “No”. Being discouraged is sort of a natural occurrence especially when it comes to auditioning 24/7. But the most important thing to take away from all of the interviews from working actors, your feelings that nothing may ever pan out, or hearing that one no that pushed you over the edge, is to KEEP going.

There are plenty of miracles that have occurred and there is no reason that the no’s we all hear as actors can’t turn into a resounding yes. I know that it’s a bit cheesy but one of my most important rules of thumb is that the grass isn’t greener on the other side, it’s green where you water it. Although this is cliche, it’s a truism for a reason. If you constantly nurture your career and treat it as you would treat anything else you grow and maintain, a tree, a dog, a house, it would be easier to look at the “failures” and take them with a grain of salt, then look at the big picture and keep going.

There’s nothing more powerful than having the power to succeed in whatever you do and the only way to do that is keep going, keep pushing, keep making things happen. It may not always look like there is a light at the end of the tunnel (to continue on my use of cliche sayings) but pretty much every successful person in the world who has worked to achieve their position can tell you there really is. Keep going.

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