As an actor one of the most important things you can do is build a following for yourself. There is nothing more exciting for you than to have a lot of people interested in what you are doing next, and supporting your every move. Not to mention that when you have more followers on Twitter, Instagram, and likes on your Facebook page, you are more likely to have friends in the industry as well as recognition from people in the industry such as agents and managers, that will want to help you out! You have to be able to share with your fans what you are doing and what you want to be doing next because it will contribute to your power and influence as an actor. When you have a lot of people who want to see you succeed, it is more likely that you will be able to find that success. Having social media easily accessible to the public (that all links back to your website which will give the official information and updates) will create motion around you that promotes success in the industry, just ask anyone who has won a film festival. When you put something out there that gets a lot of attention, you are likely to keep garnering more and more attention with what you do next.
     The biggest tip I have to accomplish things on social media is to make yourself accessible. You want the public to LOVE you, and you want them to love it when you succeed. This means that you have to have accounts that are funny, quick, witty, and full of what you are up to. It also means that on sites like Twitter and Instagram, you should be responding to people when they message you, comment on your things, or retweet something of yours. When you reach out to your fans, it makes them feel important, and people love to feel important… simply a fact of life. You want to start building your fan base as a person in the entertainment industry because it is an outlet where you can entertain without any help from anyone. The best way to get yourself known is to get your work out there and make sure people see it.
     So make sure that you have all of your social media pages in good working order, because not only will potential agents and managers be looking for artists on the rise, but also it is always nice to have some positive feedback from fans. If you need any help linking your social media pages to your custom My Acting Site website, please do not hesitate to contact our customer service; they do wonders!

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