As an actor in LA, there are a few things that you have to do in order to be able to stay alive, one of those things being to have a source of income at all times. This can be rough sometimes in the LA scene, but there are some fun and interesting solutions to this problem you may find yourself in. Instead of taking a break from acting or making it more difficult to get to auditions on time, getting a job that fits your schedule and works around your life is can be interesting, and a fun experience.

-Audition Taper: People who tape auditions can make their own schedules and it is also a fun way to help out other actors!
-Working at your acting class: This is for those of you who have made friends with the business owners of your acting classes and can call them up. Taking the night shift at reception or something of the sort is an easy way to make money while still keeping your days free.
-Lyft driver: This is something that you are more likely to find in LA because that is primarily where Lyft is used. Becoming a driver can be convenient and a non time consuming way to make some cash, plus, you never know who you’re going to meet!

There are many ways to make money while still working towards achieving your goals, you don’t have to get a job as a waitress because you live in Hollywood and it is cliché, there are other options. Make sure that the job you get allows you to go on audition during the day, even the commercial ones in Santa Monica at 4pm, and your life will change for the better!

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