Something that I am asked about pretty frequently is if Twitter is important for an actor. I have done blog posts on social media as a whole before, but never one medium in specific, so I thought it would be best to address Twitter first and foremost in this newest post. It is an interesting form of social media that can be difficult to figure out. A lot of people have found their voices on Twitter, and gained success through it. But something that you have to consider before taking the plunge into 140 characters or less to tell something to a widespread audience is what exactly you are trying to communicate. Making yourself known, in good ways preferably, is not a bad thing, but with this comes responsibility. It is your responsibility as an artist to control the type of art you are delivering to the public. What your goal should be through social media is not only to get your face out there, but to also make a brand for yourself.

1.      You have to know your niche when considering what type of art you want to pursue. If you are a comedic actor and love comedy, Twitter is great for you. Quippy one-liners, hysterical anecdotes, anything that gets you a ton of retweets will be what you strive for with your account. This is what will get you noticed in the world of comedy.
2.      On the other hand, if you are more of a dramatic actor and prefer to not do comedy, you have to be thinking with that. What gains the most traction on Twitter is jokes. That probably won’t change. Although you could do some great dramatic self-promotion as a dramatic actor, you have to make sure that your followers are geared towards that.
3.      Tweets will go unnoticed unless you have a popular account. This involves putting a lot of work into your Twitter. It may be worth it for you to look into popularizing your account through watching videos on the subject. Instructional videos for social media are a dime a dozen, but when you find one that really speaks to you, it is worth it to follow the advice they give. You want to be popular on Twitter because you want your personality to reach as many people as possible.
4.      Interacting with people in your industry is one of the most valuable things that can come from using Twitter. It gives you the opportunity to not only meet new people, but also get a word in on trending topics. If you have something to say about the Oscars, with the right tags and followers, your comments will be paid attention to.

     Using Twitter can be invaluable to your career as a form of self-promotion. You have to know exactly who you are self-promoting to and why, with this you will be able to reach not only a wide scope of people, but the RIGHT people.

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