Since 2000 people have been being discovered through YouTube. Web-series, skits, short films, music videos. Anything and everything can and HAS been put onto YouTube for the world to see. Big names such as Justin Bieber, Bo Burnham, Kate Upton, and even some athletes have been discovered online as well, as surprising as it may seem. Hearing this, your knee jerk reaction may be to jump online and make a web-series of your own as soon as you possibly can, but if you have a minute to contemplate this, I’m not sure you’d decide it was the greatest choice to make. There are millions of series online. YouTube could be coined the most prevalent online streamer for web-series of the entire Internet, which says something because that’s all that Netflix and Amazon are known for these days.
     There has to be something new. Something bigger than YouTube and something better is coming, and it is coming fast. This doesn’t mean to stop creating, but maybe only perhaps to hold off on a specific project you were thinking of releasing on YouTube if you were going to be releasing one soon. There are tons of applications, and new sites coming out all of the time that are specifically geared towards gaining people in the entertainment industry a regular source of income, as well as widespread recognition. When you are putting yourself out there in the world, you want to make sure that the content is perfect and will be something that has the possibility of gaining you recognition in your career, the same goes for the medium you use to make sure it is seen.
     Research into which site or application you will be releasing your web-series onto is so key these days, that I would suggest not releasing anything until you have that fully figured out. You should know how to target the audience for your show because friends and family viewing your work can only get you so far. When it comes down to you, creating something to put online so that you are able to receive widespread recognition, you HAVE to know your audience. Questions that will help you figure this out are things such as: who will be seeing your show? Where will they live? What will their political point of view be? Religion? Are they going to have a family that they watch your show with or will they watch it alone?
     All of those things are key factors in deciding where to place your show. Your idea may be a great one but if it is not put on the correct site or application (or gets lost in the mix on YouTube) your show will not be seen by the correct audience, and that will be an issue for your ratings. Make sure you do your research on where to release your art! A new post looking into different sites is up next!

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