Your auditions will ask you to do a wide range of things, portray a whole lot of different people, and show up in an array of outfits. Your wardrobe is important as an actor, as it is something that will affect the Casting Director’s opinion of you for the part. It is also something that you should be knowledgeable enough about that you can make it work to your advantage no matter what. Here are some pointers to work on and consider when you are coming up with the right outfit for your audition:

           1. Is it a commercial? Commercial auditions are generally something that you want to dress up in colorful clothing for. This is because people in commercials are generally dressed in bright colors that catch people’s attention.

           2. Is it TV? What show? Is it on a network you are familiar with? How are the other characters on that television show dressed? This is something important to consider so that you look like the pre-existing characters and so that you fit into the ideas that the producers and directors have in their minds.

           3. What looks good on you? With all of those other things considered you also have to go with the outfit that looks the best on you. Make sure whatever it is you are wearing is flattering and that you look like your best self.

           4. Do you look like your headshot? This one applies to you specifically if you have headshot “types” (i.e. nerdy, dramatic, runaway, etc…) if the casting director called you in off of your “nerdy” headshot, you would be doing a disservice to yourself to come into the office in boots and a plaid shirt.

     When you are picking out your audition outfit, the most important thing is that you THINK about it and consider what the right outfit is for you and for the character. Put some good effort into every part of your audition and the Casting Director and producers will see this and admire your thought process! They will also have an easier time envisioning you as the character, which absolutely will work to your advantage!

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