We recently came across a pretty fabulous online resource for actors just getting started in the business. We’d like to share it with you here, since it may prove to be highly helpful if you have any confusions about what to do.

You see, when someone is just getting started in this particular field, there can be an extremely high level of confusion concerning what to do. So many people say so many things, headshots, agents, managers, auditions, resumes, Actor’s Access, LA Casting, acting classes, retouching, websites, demo reels, etc.

That being said, this particular site breaks it down and makes it easy. It allows you to isolate different parts of your career so that they can be focused on with the correct priority. A new actor can easily find solace, and honestly use this site as his sole source of advice when getting started in the business.

The website is called Beginner’s Guide to Acting. It is run by our dear friend Michelle Craig, who has been working towards this particular goal of making it easy for the new actor. And she is succeeding, folks.

This site comes highly recommended as a place where actors can go to escape the chaotic nature of their field, and simply do what’s necessary to flourish and prosper.