As an actor in Los Angeles it can seem like you’re a small fish in a big sea. There are a million different jobs going at once, and yet it can feel impossible to book work! Although there are difficulties in the field, there are still so many ways that you can find success. It is most important that you take your wins in stride, and make sure that you aren’t ignoring the good things you are doing because you think there’s more for you. Acknowledge the good things you have going for you right now and the rest will come for you eventually!
1) Take your wins: Make sure you are celebrating the wins. Getting an audition is exciting and best of all, it is a chance to book work! When you have a callback, callback for the producers, or book a job (no matter what size it is!) it is so critical that you acknowledge yourself and do something nice for yourself. There’s too much rejection in this industry already to not be on your own side!
2) Find your own work: If auditions from your agents are slow going, make your own way. There are plenty of ways you can get auditions for yourself (see blog post on backstage, of which there are about one million). You can create jobs for yourself by writing your own scripts as well. There is always another option!
3) Stay busy: Always have something going on. It doesn’t matter if you are busy with a photo shoot, an art project, a film, music video, or whatever else. Always keep yourself moving and going forward. Keep doing the things that move your career in the direction you are interested in. This week I am volunteering for a SAG/AFTRA event. Although it isn’t acting work, it is a part of the acting world and I will have the opportunity to meet a lot of very interesting people!
Overall, make sure you take your wins and learn from the losses without getting hung up on them. There are plenty of other things to worry about like what outfit you’ll wear to your premier, or how you are going to bring your pet cat to the Cannes Film festival. Enjoy your acting career, because it is what you love to do!