When you’re at an audition it is likely that there will be people that are in your same category there. When you are faced with this, you have two options. You can talk to the other people there or you can ignore them. Following my last post about joining Facebook groups for actors, I think it is only sane to suggest that you go up and talk to the people who are there auditioning with you. You can benefit from the conversation in more than one way when you go up and talk to someone who is at your audition with you. Networking is always something that you should be thinking about as an actor, and this can occur anytime.
      When you make friends with people at your audition you will be meeting the people you are competing against. This is a good thing because as I have said before, and will say, again and again, work begets work. When your friends are working, you are more likely to get work! Even if it is through a student film, or a small budget thing that they are working on, the more work you can do in the industry the better off you will be in general. If you have a busy career, you have less time to sit around, and when you aren’t sitting around, people take note! People want to work with successful people because they want their projects to be successful. The best thing you could do for yourself in your career is to be busy all of the time!
      Talking to people before your audition can be a great way to relieve stress or nerves. If you have a tendency to feel nervous before an audition you may find that talking to other people helps relax you and get out some of that nervous energy that you may be feeling. When you get to talk to your fellow actors about the different jobs you’ve booked, classes you have been taking, or really any success that you have had so far in your career, it will help you feel more comfortable and self-confident!
      When you are at your auditions, it shouldn’t be a weird thing to go and talk to your fellow actors. Being sociable and friendly is a totally normal thing and should be something that people do regularly in their auditions!

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