It’s that time of year again when the SAG AFTRA conservatory is going strong! If you are a member of SAG and do not know about this conservatory, or do know about it and have never tried it out, I’ll give you some reasons to see what it’s all about! I am an active participant of the conservatories and would very much recommend this to anyone looking for a more inclusive learning experience in the industry.

      In Los Angeles, the conservatory is a $45 annual membership and it is well worth it. Even if you only take one workshop a year, it pretty much pays for itself (how much have you paid for other workshops in acting with industry professionals?). There are great workshops delivered by people who actually know what the heck they are talking about and are really just there to help their fellow union members!

      The classes are very interesting and range from a usual acting class, to how to use social media to your advantage as an actor and an artist. They are all taught by people who are currently working in the industry as whatever it is they are teaching the class on, so they are legit and very good at what they do! Not only is this a great place to get educated on things that are very important for you to know and apply as an actor, but it is also the perfect place for you to meet like-minded people who are working on the same types of things you are, and potentially join forces with them.

      If you are interested in this conservatory, look online and see if they are holding classes in your city. There are plenty of opportunities that await you; the only thing you have to do is sign up! Go ahead, and enjoy your benefits as a member of the SAG AFTRA union!

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