As a writer, it can be easy to feel alone. It seems as though all writers are sitting in their homes or in the far back corner of a café hunched behind the screen of their laptops. Unapproachable is the most ginger way I could describe the look of a writer. But I’ve been that person too. Headphones in, blinders on, I’ve been there to just get work done and not talk to anyone or think about anything other than my work. Recently, though, I’ve been feeling like I would rather write with people than without them. Even if I’m not talking to them, there’s something nice about having others around you that you know are doing the same thing you are.

      This is what the Hatchery Press is. This office type setting is located in Larchmont and is available to writers with a membership 24 hours 7 days a week. When I first found this place online, my heart skipped a beat. I felt as though I may have just met my writing soul-mate and it wasn’t a person like I thought it would be, it was a desk with some other people sitting around it doing the same thing that I’m doing; making a name for ourselves. It’s a great atmosphere with a vibe that can only be explained as just what you need.

      If you are the talkative type, you can sit in the social room where music, people, snacks, and drinks await you. Here, talking is allowed and in fact, is encouraged. Phone usage, on the other hand, is strictly prohibited (which I appreciate for multiple reasons). On the other hand, if you prefer peace and quiet, there is a library with your name on it where you can sit in silence and ponder your work all to your own. There is even a rooftop garden where you can sunbathe while you write. If that isn’t luxury then I don’t know what is.

      Long story short is that being a writer does not mean being in isolation. Make sure that you have a group of writers one way or another that you love to get together with and writing may just become way more fun.

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