I never thought that I was supposed to be in constant communication with my agents and managers. I didn’t know that you not only could send them updates on you, your life, how your auditions are going, but that you are more than welcome to. I had no idea that agents and managers love to hear that you feel great on your audition that you did, or that you have a show coming up for your acting class, or that they probably want to see the script that you’ve been working on.

Here’s the deal though. Agents and mangers work for you because they like you and they believe in you. If they didn’t think that you could make it as an actor, they would not want to be helping you and probably wouldn’t have taken you on as a client. It is important that you continue to keep them up to date on how you’re doing and how it is going in your life as an actor, but also as a person.

If you have a personal relationship with your agents and they really actually like you, don’t you think that you would be more likely to get all of the attention that you want from them? That is why you should keep them in the loop! Sending gift baskets around holidays is always something that they appreciate, as well as the occasional update email. Treat your agent like more of a friend than a random person whom you never speak to except when you absolutely have to, and I think you’ll find you have a better time with them.


It’s the same concept as good karma, what you put out you get back, so make sure that you are being amiable towards your agents and you should get that same friendly career love right back!

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