If you’ve ever heard the classic phrase “writers write” then you’ve probably taken a writing class before. Another phrase that is equally as important, very similar, but said far less frequently is that actors act. People who are professional actors and make their living from acting are continuously acting. They are doing their craft and that is what makes them successful. Actors act and actors also watch. They not only watch people on the sidewalk to study mannerisms, learn new things about life, and whatever else they watch for, but they also watch TV and movies. Actors stay current and up to date with the TV shows and films that are new.

      I have yet to meet a professional actor who does not think that watching is important. Every actor I have ever met wants to talk about the best new TV show going on, what actor or project they hope wins the award, or what film they loved and why. Actors typically love film and they love TV. It’s just something about enjoying the industry that you are involved with that makes watching film and TV a good idea. This allows you to stay up to date on everything from award shows (just like the Emmys, which I will talk about in my next blog post!) to the shows you are auditioning for right now.

      When you watch TV and Film, you keep yourself up to date on what is happening in the industry. Watching TV is important if you are an actor who goes to auditions because you will undoubtedly end up auditioning for a TV show and if you are someone who watches regularly, then you may just find that you have an easier time understanding your auditions. It will make it easier on you as an actor to be able to come up with a background for your character because you very well might just be already familiar with the world they come from. When that part of the research is already done for you, it makes your life a whole lot easier.

      Keeping yourself up to date on film and television is very important for these reasons, as well as tons of others. Having things to talk to agents, managers, casting directors or anyone else in the industry is a great reason to stay current, as well as gaining a better knowledge of your ever changing industry. When you know all about the things going on in your industry, you have a better grasp on what you are going out for as well as what you want to be going out for.

      Take charge of your career and stay up to date on everything you can! Also, you get to say that you have to watch TV for work so that’s pretty much the coolest thing ever.

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