Today I was called back for the third or fourth time to the same casting directors on the same show. They have yet to cast me, but I can only assume that there is a reason they continue bringing me back. If they thought I was a bad actress, or not the right fit for the show, they would have told my agents to not send me in because they don’t want to waste their own time. But obviously, they do not think either of those things because they keep bringing me back.

When a casting director continues to see you, it’s best that you create a personal relationship with them because odds are they like you and want to help your career, which means when the correct role for you pops up, they will push you all the way up to the “cast me” pile on the producer’s table. You can do so many things to create a personal relationship with this casting director such as knowing their name, complimenting something about them, finding out about their interests through casual conversation in the casting room, etc…

By doing any of these things and by continuing to remind them every time you see them that you not only remember who they are, but also like them, will up your chances of getting a callback. Remember that being cast in something doesn’t have to mean that your acting abilities are the only thing that got you cast. They are looking for actors who are also personable and good to be around. Remember this every time you go into the casting room and your auditioning may improve vastly!

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