The Photos On Your Site

      As an actor with a website, you have made a very smart choice. Your ability to make yourself known in the industry and make your career success happen has grown by you having an online presence. Plenty of actors have made good industry connections, gotten the necessary exposure, and even booked jobs from their …

Tips For Success

-Keep going -Educate Yourself -Promote Yourself -Don’t be afraid to ask for what you want -Motivate Yourself -Find people who inspire you -Learn how to inspire yourself -Be your own biggest fan -Reward your successes -Keep creating your own projects -Keep getting yourself out there -Perform -Write -Produce -Keep going -Keep going -Never give up …

Always Be Ready

      Your career can be affected by a lot of things. Your talent, dedication, persistence, and hard work are all things that will change the course of your career. You also have to take into account meeting people and how the people you meet could change your career for the better. Make the right casting …

Reasons to Have an Online Presence

     There are so many reasons you need to be able to control your online presence. You need to be able to show people your art, what is real and important to you, and why you should be on the cover of every magazine for doing the work that you love so very much! There’s nothing …

Being “On Hold”

Something that happens quite frequently in the industry is that your agent will say you are “on hold” for a part. The first time you hear it, it can be confusing, and it is a part of the industry that can be likened to limbo. On one hand, congrats!!! You almost have the job! On …

The Oscars: What You Might Have Missed

     Here are some of the films that were nominated for Oscars you probably haven’t seen and definitely should. There were so many amazing films in the shorts categories, which usually end up being some of my favorite films I have seen all year. Here are the ones that stood out to me that I think …

Your Availability

     As an actor, it is your job to make sure you are available to do your job. This means that you have the time to go on auditions, callbacks, and any and all jobs you book. It also means that you are able to be on call for your agent and/or manager to be able …

Being on Time

Something that a suprising amount of actors these days forget about with regard to their auditions is the importance of being on time. As an actor, part of your job is making sure that you arrive to the workplace at the time you are requested to and to present the best work that you can. …


      “Auditioning is an opportunity to practice,” is one of my favorite quotes about auditions said by David Walton in an interview for Backstage in 2014. I love this quote because I find a sense of comfort in it. When I go into the audition room, I always like to take a minute and really …

A Million Reasons You Need A Website

     If you are an actor something you need to know is that you are in charge of getting yourself off of the ground and soaring into your career. Your agent and manager are only able to get you so far after you are in the room the rest is up to you and your skill …