Silent Films

      Back in the olden days, kiddos, the film industry couldn’t quite figure out how to record sound. Motion pictures were exactly that; moving photos, and hardly anything else. Put up against a soundtrack, with some actors and an idea of a start, middle, and end, and we have ourselves a film. This is how …

Being Super Early

     Acting is something that you always have to be prepared for. You need to know your lines, look like you’re dressed for the part, and probably one of the more important things about auditioning comes down to your ability to show up on time. In fact, one of my acting teachers from a very long …

Picking Favorites

     As an actor, it is actually very important that you are up to date on current TV, film, and entertainment in your section of the industry. You need to be able to take charge of your career, and this means having all the tools necessary to be able to understand what people are looking for …

Smaller Projects

     There’s great value to doing smaller projects that you maybe don’t get paid for, or don’t get paid a lot for, it’s important to do because of the connections you can make and the friends you will meet while working. There’s also a lot of credence to the experience you will get out of working …

An Actor’s Work

     If you are looking for a handbook on how to do anything and everything as an actor, from training to preparing for the job you’ve booked, then you may want to take a look at the ever-famous novel by a student of Stanislavski called “An Actor’s Work.” You may hate me as soon as you …

A Cool App!

      Have you ever seen an ad for a show while you are driving to an audition and thought “aw man I want to go see this?” But when you go online to look for tickets, you find out that the show is tonight and that it is all sold out! Well, I have a …

Out With the Old and In with the… Old

      There are so many new shows and movies coming out that are actually just repeats of older shows and movies. It’s actually quite comical that there are so many shows that are based on old ones, I am kind of just waiting for a Friends re-vamp to be released (which would be hilarious, but …

Good Reads!

     I have been reading up recently on acting. I decided a long while ago that one of the biggest things I could do to take charge of my career is to educate myself the best I possibly could on the art form and part of that has been reading all of the books I can …

“It Takes Time”

     Something that annoys me to hear is the common phrase “it takes time.” There are so many reasons I hate hearing this but one of the biggest ones is that it is so vague and can be construed in a million different ways. So it is really just a matter of figuring out how you …

Being Yourself

      When you walk into an audition room, the only thing you can do that will instantly mess you up is refuse to be yourself and act unnaturally. You could walk in, trip, and fall straight onto your face the moment you walked in and your audition would be completely salvaged if you whipped something …