Being on Time

Something that a suprising amount of actors these days forget about with regard to their auditions is the importance of being on time. As an actor, part of your job is making sure that you arrive to the workplace at the time you are requested to and to present the best work that you can. …


      “Auditioning is an opportunity to practice,” is one of my favorite quotes about auditions said by David Walton in an interview for Backstage in 2014. I love this quote because I find a sense of comfort in it. When I go into the audition room, I always like to take a minute and really …

A Million Reasons You Need A Website

     If you are an actor something you need to know is that you are in charge of getting yourself off of the ground and soaring into your career. Your agent and manager are only able to get you so far after you are in the room the rest is up to you and your skill …

Asking the Casting Director…

      In an audition, there are times when the casting director will ask you, “do you have any questions,” before you start the scene. All actors have different opinions on this ranging from always asking, to never ever asking anything, and that is not what I am here to discuss. If you feel the need …

But Do I Need A Business Card?

     Something that has made me laugh whenever I see them, is business cards for actors. In today’s current society, where the internet is so free to use and so readily accessible, it has seemed sort of silly to me that some acting coaches, managers, agents, or even actors themselves insist on having business cards for …

Facebook Tips

     As an actor, Facebook can be a very valuable tool to help you promote yourself in the industry. A personal Facebook account is just as valuable as a professional account because you can do just as much marketing and promotion for yourself there. Facebook is one of the most important marketing tools that you can …

20 Ways To Get Your Film Funded

1) Make a go-fund-me 2) Find someone very rich who likes your idea and make them pay for it 3) Just do it for free 4) Take out a loan, pretending you are going to use it to buy a house and just make your film instead 5) Cry on the street about it 6) …

Being Realistic

     I recently booked a small scale, no budget job that I really wanted. I loved the idea and the people behind it. It was something that I didn’t care about making money on because it really inspired me and spoke to me on a personal level. When I got the schedule and everything after being …

Believing In Your Projects

If there is anything I’ve learned from all of the different Q&As, talks with producers, hearing friend’s stories about getting their projects made, or any other info-jam session I’ve had about the industry, it’s that you need to believe in your own projects. When you are trying to get your own project made (or even …

Prepared for Pilot Season

      Hello again from us here at My Acting Site! We hope everyone had a great time these past few weeks celebrating the holidays and taking advantage of the temporary holidays induced loss of traffic in Los Angeles. Pilot season is coming up and there is not really much more exciting than pilot season as …