Stay in Touch!

      If you grew up in LA, you probably have a lot of friends who are in the industry and you probably keep meeting people who are in the industry and working a lot. If you didn’t grow up in Los Angeles, you probably came here and met a ton of people at different social …

Well If Acting Doesn’t Work Out…

     There are a few phrases I really hate to hear. One of the things that just rubs me the wrong way is when a person uses the above phrase as a compliment. If you make a great cake, dress someone really well, or show any type of competence at anything and someone tells you, “well …

Going To Events

     When you are starting out in the industry, who you know can be an extremely important factor. Considering that you need to be able to market yourself as a person to casting directors, agents, and managers, you should be pretty familiar with the skills of quickly making a working relationship with anyone. When you are …

Reasons to Have an Online Presence

     There are so many reasons you need to be able to control your online presence. You need to be able to show people your art, what is real and important to you, and why you should be on the cover of every magazine for doing the work that you love so very much! There’s nothing …


      “Auditioning is an opportunity to practice,” is one of my favorite quotes about auditions said by David Walton in an interview for Backstage in 2014. I love this quote because I find a sense of comfort in it. When I go into the audition room, I always like to take a minute and really …

A Million Reasons You Need A Website

     If you are an actor something you need to know is that you are in charge of getting yourself off of the ground and soaring into your career. Your agent and manager are only able to get you so far after you are in the room the rest is up to you and your skill …

Prepared for Pilot Season

      Hello again from us here at My Acting Site! We hope everyone had a great time these past few weeks celebrating the holidays and taking advantage of the temporary holidays induced loss of traffic in Los Angeles. Pilot season is coming up and there is not really much more exciting than pilot season as …

Putting Yourself Out There

     If you aren’t getting as many auditions as you believe you should be there are a ton of things you may start to believe. One of the thoughts that may begin to creep around you is this: ‘”My reps are not doing enough work! If I only had [insert any agent here] my like and …

Halloween Costumes

     Need a last minute Halloween costume for this Tuesday?! Well, you’ve lucked out because we have the solution to your problem. Here are some iconic and not-so-iconic solutions to your Halloween costume this year! -Breakfast At Tiffany’s fancy black dress -Breakfast At Tiffany’s sleepy outfit -Juno (perfect for any of your pregnant ladies out there) …

Two Common Misconceptions

Throughout my time in Los Angeles as an actor, I have run into a lot of things that people believe to be true that turn out to actually not be true at all. They are also things that could possibly be detrimental to your career so I have found it is important to get things …