Being “On Hold”

Something that happens quite frequently in the industry is that your agent will say you are “on hold” for a part. The first time you hear it, it can be confusing, and it is a part of the industry that can be likened to limbo. On one hand, congrats!!! You almost have the job! On …

Asking the Casting Director…

      In an audition, there are times when the casting director will ask you, “do you have any questions,” before you start the scene. All actors have different opinions on this ranging from always asking, to never ever asking anything, and that is not what I am here to discuss. If you feel the need …

Being Realistic

     I recently booked a small scale, no budget job that I really wanted. I loved the idea and the people behind it. It was something that I didn’t care about making money on because it really inspired me and spoke to me on a personal level. When I got the schedule and everything after being …

Prepared for Pilot Season

      Hello again from us here at My Acting Site! We hope everyone had a great time these past few weeks celebrating the holidays and taking advantage of the temporary holidays induced loss of traffic in Los Angeles. Pilot season is coming up and there is not really much more exciting than pilot season as …


      Something every actor needs is photos of themselves. There are so many reasons you need these pictures, but the main and most obvious one is that you need headshots and you need great options for them. This pilot season, there are over 500 new shows being produced. That is an insane amount of opportunity …

Golden Globes

     If you were like me last night, you bundled up in bed and enjoyed this cold weather and watched the 2018 Golden Globes. It was a lovely event with a strong message threaded throughout: Times Up! Seth Meyers was an amazing host who made just the right jokes at just the right times and handled …

Acting For The Camera

      Recently I took an “On Camera” acting class, which was all about actually acting for the camera itself and less about your acting technique. It was very interesting to me to read about this class, because I had never taken one like it before but had oftentimes heard friend talking about their classes that …

Welcome to the New Year!

     2017 was a great year and some major things were accomplished for us in the acting community. SAG AGTRA took some big steps in ensuring safety and protection for a wider range of actors and performers in the workplace, some amazing movies were released and television is better and more exciting than ever! Individually, I …

Putting Yourself Out There

     If you aren’t getting as many auditions as you believe you should be there are a ton of things you may start to believe. One of the thoughts that may begin to creep around you is this: ‘”My reps are not doing enough work! If I only had [insert any agent here] my like and …

What Should Your Acting Be?

     I recently took an acting class that was an intensive in comedy. It was a very interesting class and more is coming on it later! But something that I did take away from this class that I wanted to share with all of you now is a rule about your acting and what it should …