Social Media Activity

      In today’s present day, there is so much that you need to be aware of when it comes to your online presence and how you are seen on the internet. Who posts what, where, and why can affect you in positive and sometimes negative ways and it is important that you have as much …

Instagram Tips

      When you have an Instagram account as an actor it is very important that you know how to use it to your benefit. It can be an extremely valuable asset when you know how to use it; tons of people are discovered through Instagram, and a lot of modeling agencies have been requiring a …

Educating Yourself Part 2

     Part two of this series in the blogs about educating yourself has to do with your online presence! When you are working on building your social media presence (which is totally something actors should be Doug these days) it is important you keep yourself educated on what the heck it is you’re doing! Social media …

Why You Need An Online Presence

     Throughout the ages people have struggled with many things, Man’s greatest journeys in this world have been anything but simple and easy to understand. One of Man’s biggest journeys thus far (especially if “Man” is an actor in today’s day and age) has probably been figuring out how to control what people think about you. …

Believing In Your Projects

If there is anything I’ve learned from all of the different Q&As, talks with producers, hearing friend’s stories about getting their projects made, or any other info-jam session I’ve had about the industry, it’s that you need to believe in your own projects. When you are trying to get your own project made (or even …

Acting and Social Media

     As an actor, if you are going to be on social media and have a strong online presence, it is important that your social media reflects how you want to be seen as an actor and an artist. You need to be able to show a united front when it comes to whom you are …

Welcome to the New Year!

     2017 was a great year and some major things were accomplished for us in the acting community. SAG AGTRA took some big steps in ensuring safety and protection for a wider range of actors and performers in the workplace, some amazing movies were released and television is better and more exciting than ever! Individually, I …

Your Social Media Game

      If you are going to use social media, you need to be able to use it to your advantage. If you are going to be on Instagram with a public profile that any one can find easily it is important you treat it as a business tool, and not as something that could stop …

Social Media for the Actor

      This week was exciting as I was lucky enough to attend a social media workshop at the SAG/AFTRA LA Headquarters. Two professionals in the industry delivered this lecture on social media and the digital age: Ben Whitehair and Ryan Walker. They both have larger scale media presences and know quite a bit about being …