Getting Jealous

Occasionally when you are friends with a bunch of actor people, it can happen that you are the friend who isn’t booking any work. In a circumstance like this, it is sort of human nature to be prone to jealousy. Especially in an industry like this one. Sometimes if I that if I am not …

Not The Right Fit

Sometimes you’ll go on an audition and think that you for sure book to the part. You’ll get a call back and think that it’s so fitting because you had a great audition and you think you’re perfect for it. But for some reason you just don’t book it. There’s two options here… You can …

Keeping Your Contacts

In the industry, one of the most important things you have is your contacts. You could have zero talent, no car, no head shots, no hope of anything. But if you have the right contacts in that situation, you could still make it. That’s theoretical of corse but it should give you an idea of …

Keeping Yourself Up-to-Date

Check your emails, check your voicemail, look at your texts. Yes. But one of the most important jobs an auditioning actor has is keeping themselves up to date on all online platforms. This includes but is not limited to, actors access, backstage, casting networks, la casting, and especially IMDB. This means that you will have …

Early Bird Gets The Worm

Something that comes as a valuable lesson to any actor in their career is when they learn the value of organization. This isn’t organizing the inside of your closet, or your files, or even taxes. This organization for actors is all about auditions. When you audition you don’t always get the notice that you would …

Important Friendships to Form

Today I was called back for the third or fourth time to the same casting directors on the same show. They have yet to cast me, but I can only assume that there is a reason they continue bringing me back. If they thought I was a bad actress, or not the right fit for …

Promoting Yourself

As an actor one of the most important things you can do to really take charge of your career is to promote yourself and make sure that everyone in the industry who is important to the advancement of your career knows you and knows how awesome you are. When you have that going for you, …

UCLA Writing Class

Learning how to watch TV is strange because its something that I expected I already knew how to do completely and fully. I watch TV all of the time, almost every night, so it seemed to me that I would have a full understanding of how to understand a show, who the characters are, and …

Events as an Actor

Going to a movie premiere can be a very fun thing. It can also be very important for your career, as you can usually meet some people that are good to network with and talk to about your career. I say that if you get invited to a premiere (or a wrap party or anything …

Tips on Getting Noticed (by Google)

Alright guys,   I have been asked a few times recently: “How can I make my website appear higher on Google?” and I decided I would answer that question so you could all benefit from it.   For starters, Google works by analyzing the information contained on a site. It does this specifically by analyzing the …